Senior Product Management Director Salary Information

Senior Product Management Director salary information, income percentile, mortgage affordability and more.


How much does a senior product management director earn?

Annual salaries range from £40,272 to £152,052. Below is the full range of pay both before and after tax:

Pre-tax £40,272
(£3,356 p/mth)
(£9,167 p/mth)
(£12,671 p/mth)
Pre-tax Income Percentile 80th 97th 98th
Post-tax £30,924
(£2,577 p/mth)
(£5,861 p/mth)
(£7,635 p/mth)
Post-tax Income Percentile 74th 96th 98th
Percentage Tax Deduction 23% 36% 40%

The Senior Director of Product Management focuses on product development, marketing, sales and improvement. Since this is a senior job, you may need the experience of managing and supervising other people.

Compare the average salary of a senior product management director to your salary:


Below are the range of mortgages typically affordable for a single applicant senior product management director:

average gross salary£40,268£110,000£152,051
max mortgage£181,206£495,000£684,230
deposit paid£20,134£55,000£76,026
max purchase price£201,340£550,000£760,256
mortgage repayment p.mth (2.5%|25yr)£822£2,246£3,104

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