Medical Practice Manager Salary Information

Medical Practice Manager salary information, income percentile, mortgage affordability and more.


How much does a medical practice manager earn?

Annual salaries range from £21,672 to £44,760. Below is the full range of pay both before and after tax:

Pre-tax £21,672
(£1,806 p/mth)
(£2,555 p/mth)
(£3,730 p/mth)
Pre-tax Income Percentile 43rd 66th 84th
Post-tax £18,276
(£1,523 p/mth)
(£2,032 p/mth)
(£2,831 p/mth)
Post-tax Income Percentile 38th 59th 78th
Percentage Tax Deduction 16% 20% 24%

The health care manager oversees the daily operations of the medical facility. They generally supervise all office staff and are generally responsible for hiring decisions.

Compare the average salary of a medical practice manager to your salary:


Below are the range of mortgages typically affordable for a single applicant medical practice manager:

average gross salary£21,670£30,657£44,765
max mortgage£97,515£137,957£201,443
deposit paid£10,835£15,329£22,383
max purchase price£108,350£153,286£223,826
mortgage repayment p.mth (2.5%|25yr)£442£626£914

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